The Data Security and Protection Toolkit is an online self-assessment tool that allows organisations to measure their performance against the National Data Guardian’s 10 data security standards.
All organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems must use this toolkit to provide assurance that they are practising good data security and that personal information is handled correctly.
This system is subject to ongoing development.
What's new?
DSPT Independent Assurance and Audit 2024-25
Guidance for all Independent Providers who have been designated Operators of Essential Services and IT Suppliers to have a DSPT Audit to the required mandatory scope and framework methodology.
System changes and release notes (updated 04 September 2024)
A high-level summary of recent changes (and an MFA reminder) is provided here for reference.
Assertions and Evidence items for the Data Security and Protection Toolkit 2024-25 version 7 (2 September 2024)
Key facts and assertions and evidence items for the Data Security and Protection Toolkit 2024-25 (version 7).
Changes to the DSPT for large NHS Organisations in 2024-25 (2 September 2024)
Details about how the DSPT has changed in 24-25 for NHS Trusts, CSUs, ALBs and ICBs and a copy of the 23-24 DSPT Outcomes and Indicators of good practice, FAQs, a mapping to other frameworks and DSPT mapping for NHS Trusts, CSUs, ALBs and ICBs.
Toolkit webinars and update events (22 August 2024)
Includes details of the 24-25 Webinars for Large NHS organisations and scheduled webinars through to June 2025.
Improvement Plans - Instructions for 2023-2024
Guidance and Instructions for 2023-24 Data Security and Protection Toolkit. This applies to NHS Trusts, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), CSUs, Independent Providers who are Operators of Essential Services under NIS, Key IT Suppliers, Local Authorities and DHSC Arm's Length Bodies.