Access to shared systems (Adult Social Care) 20 October 2021
A copy of the item published by NHSX on the access to shared system (adult social care) that Data Security and Protection Toolkit can provide.
Access to shared systems (adult social care)
The Data Security and Protection Tool (DSPT) opens up potential access to shared systems, as the toolkit reassures NHS colleagues that care providers are operating to the same data security standards as NHS bodies.
By completing the DSPT and achieving ‘standards met’, care providers can access the following systems:
- GP Connect
- Local shared care records
- Proxy access to GP records
- Proxy access for medication ordering
- Summary care records
NHSmail is a free, secure email system available to care providers.
NHS bodies require Care providers to use secure email systems if they are communicating with them.
To access NHSmail, care providers should reach ‘approaching standards’ or above on the DSPT.
Original available at: