DSPT 2024-25 audit guide for all outcomes has been published for NHS Trusts, CSUs, ICBs and ALBs (18 December 2024)
This document is being provided provide detailed guidance for how outcomes in 2024-2025 Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) will be audited.
DSPT 2024-25 audit guide for all outcomes has been published for NHS Trusts, CSUs, ICBs and ALBs
The detailed DSPT Independent Assessment Framework for NHS Trusts, CSUs, ICBs and ALBs for 24-25 has been launched. This only applies to NHS Trusts, CSUs, ICBs and ALBs.
The guides are split into one for each objective, are to support auditors plannning their audits and for NHS Trusts, CSUs, ICBs and ALBs preparing for a DSPT audit in 24-25. They are available in pdf format at: https://www.dsptoolkit.nhs.uk/Help/Independent-Assessment-Guide.
Strengthening Assurance – Independent Assessment and Audit and Report template are to follow.
Mandatory Outcomes for Audit for 24-25 are:
A2.a Risk management process
A4.a Supply chain
B2.a - Identity verification, authentication and authorisation
B4.d - Vulnerability management
C1.a Monitoring coverage
D1.a - Response plan
E2.b – Consent
E3.a Using and sharing information sharing for direct care